
福禄克压力校准器旨在使仪表技(jì )术人员能(néng)够更快、更容易地校准和维护过程工(gōng)厂中(zhōng)的压力设备。压力设备為(wèi)过程工(gōng)厂的控制系统提供关键的过程测量信息。它们的表现在优化工(gōng)厂运营中(zhōng)起着重要作(zuò)用(yòng),并有(yǒu)助于确保工(gōng)厂安(ān)全系统的正常运行。
福禄克提供了一系列精(jīng)密的压力校准设备,从15psi/1 bar到10,000 psi/690 bar精(jīng)度的精(jīng)确压力测量,精(jīng)度高达0.025%的满量程精(jīng)度。从压力校验仪到内置電(diàn)动测试泵的校准器,应有(yǒu)尽有(yǒu)。它们易于使用(yòng),结构坚固可(kě)靠,并提供3年保修期。无论您是想校准压力变送器、测试压力开关、验证过程仪表,还是气體(tǐ)密闭输送的应用(yòng),福禄克都有(yǒu)适合您的需求的压力校准器。
Fluke 729Pro自动压力校验仪
Fluke 729Pro 自动压力校验仪专為(wèi)工(gōng)艺技(jì )术人员设计,可(kě)简化压力校准流程,并提供更快速、更精(jīng)确的测试结果。...
福禄克新(xīn)型730G 智能(néng)数字压力校验仪,自带Hart 通讯功能(néng),搭配压力校验泵,实现对压力表、压力开关、压力变送器的高效、准确的测量和校验;是计量研究院和企业建立压力实验室的智慧之选。...
700A DPPM 双口气动压力歧管
Fluke 700A 双口气动压力歧管(以下称 “ 产(chǎn)品” 或 “ 歧管 ”)是一种便携式歧管,带有(yǒu)内部集水器,可(kě)实现高达10 MPa (1500 psi)...
P5543 Angle Adapter
The angle adapter uses the standard gauge adapters and positions the gauges at 90º. The maximum working pressure of this unit is 10,000 psi (700 bar)....
P5544 Two Gauge Stand
This adapter mounts directly to the test port of the calibrator and allows for the calibration of two instruments at the same time or the connection of a reference test instrument....
P5551 Pointer Remover-Punch
This tool is designed to quickly remove and consistently refit the pointer of a pressure gauge.
Fluke 700PCK 压力校准套件
The Fluke 700PCK makes it possible to calibrate your pressure modules at your facility using your own precision pressure standards....
TL80A 基本電(diàn)气测试線(xiàn)组
Test leads are an integral part of the complete measurement system and extend the capabilities of your digital multimeter. The TL80A Basic Electronic Test Lead Kit has the fundamental accessories for testing electronics. ...